Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Long time update!

Holy moly, it has been SO long. Life got very out of hand my last semester at ASU. I was busier than expected and committed to spending all my free time with the people I love: my family, Kevin, and Young Life girls. I'd like to consider myself pretty successful on that front.

Anyway, I am now in SEATTLE. Kevin moved back in with his parents in Auburn (45 min south of me without traffic...which never actually occurs). I moved into a wonderful house that was originally built in 1902! It is so fabulous and my new blog background was actually chosen because it reminds me of my house. I will post pictures of that at some point.

We went to Malibu Club in BC Canada for YL camp this year. I absolutely fell in love with a group of girls who will be juniors this year at Arcadia. Here is a picture of the beautiful girls that I miss so much!

My heart was so broken throughout camp knowing that I would have to leave them. I'm going to try my absolute best to stay in contact with them & to love them from 1500 miles away. I so wish I could take them with me up here and play with them everyday. We had SO much fun and talked about such amazing things. I know that God is working in their lives and it was so fun to watch God do His thing.

Kevin & my drive up here was pretty interesting/fun/boring/loooooong. I drove my car behind him driving the Uhaul with his car in tow behind! We have quite a few stories of the 1500 mile adventure, but that is for another day. Here is my favorite two pictures from our trip!

The first is by Haystack Rock in Cannon Beach, OR. Apparently this rock was featured in the movie Goonies (which I have to admit that I haven't even seen it..)

The second is at a strawberry field about 20 minutes east of Portland. Kevin is completely obsessed with strawberries, so stopping to pick them was such a blast. We ended with 5.5 lbs and they were the sweetest, most delicious strawberries I've EVER had in my life!

I am working for an agency called A Nanny for U. So far I do not have a ton of work, which is really discouraging. However, I am trying to relish in this free time that I have wanted so so badly for the past year.

I'm already learning so much from the week I have been up here in Seattle, which is also for another blog. I just had to get one blog started so that I could break the awkward 4 month hiatus. Be back soon!