We never (at least I never) tell our (my) parents enough how much they mean to us and how thankful we are for everything they've done for us. The older I get, the more I realize the amazing things my dad has taught me and given me. One thing I treasure (as does my self-esteem) is the fact that my dad would always remind me that I was beautiful. Through conversations with many YL girls, I realized this was not a common thing that dads tell their daughters. My dad never made comments like, "are you really going to eat that?" or anything demeaning. (Yes, some of my YL girls' dads have said things like this to them...it's crazy.) Anyway, I love my dad and he is pretty great.
For some reason the cards I make my dad every year seem to be my most creative cards. Here is my latest creation! Don't worry, I did write a nice note in it as well.
I also sent him a UW Dad shirt that I hope he wears even though it's purple. I made 3 other cards as well, but forgot to take pictures of them before I sealed them in envelopes. I'm going to attempt to make a paper bag mini scrapbook soon! I'm very excited.
I also bought these today:

I am SO SO excited about them. They are orange and fantastic and I don't care if I'm joining the Toms trend because they are SO comfy. Kevin and I made some SUPER tasty grilled pineapple and chicken quesadillas the other night and I am now obsessed with the Pioneer Woman! Then last night we baked chocolate chip cookies AND I am going to make banana bread as soon as my bananas get over ripened. Hooray for summer free time, which allows me time to cook and bake! Okay this is way too long (with too many links) and I have to go get ready for yet another nanny interview!
I am mildly obsessed with your talent for scrapbooking. Like that Father's Day card is one of the cutest things I have ever seen in life. Looks so good :] I randomly came back to blogspot and randomly looked at yours, and I Just totally miss your spirit and faith and inspirational leadership! I am so grateful you were there to help me build a foundation for my love of ResLife :]
Post more things you make! I have some posted on Facebook too. If you have tips you gotta let me know girl, I'm always strugglin' lol. Hope you are GREAT. It seems like you're loving Seattle, so stoked for you <3
That was probably the most special Fathers Day card I ever received. Thank you Lauren for the work (and love) you put into it.
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