Saturday, November 13, 2010

Burlap Wreath

My extra time last night also allowed me some time to finish my fall wreath! Last weekend during the UW vs Oregon football game I sewed the ruffles and pinned them
to the styrofoam wreath. This is what I began with last night:

Sewing kit from IKEA {with added pins}
Hot glue gun
Autumn pick from Michael's
Yellow and Brown fabric

I had only secured the ruffles with pins, so I added hot glue under all the edges for support. The ruffles were a bit flappy before this point, so this is a must if you do this project.

Then I created my fabric flower. I used half of a fat quarter. I twisted and turned and bunched. Then I turned over the flower and basically put hot glue all over to secure.

I was too focussed on not messing up the formation of the details, so I only got a finished picture.
Apart from the two fabric flowers {notice the tiny yellow one under there}, I cut the leaves and such from the autumn pick.

I'm so excited about the finished product! I typically find something I don't like about each project I make, but I'm determined to like this one. It hangs at the center of my curtain rod in my bedroom. I already have ideas for some Christmas home decor projects, so check back soon!

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